Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflict of Interest may arise where an individual’s personal (or family or friend’s) interests and/or loyalties conflict with those of the Charity. Such conflicts may create problems such as :

  • Inhibits free discussion

  • Results in decisions or actions taken that are not in the best interest of the Charity

  • Risks creating the impression that the charity has acted improperly.

The purposes of this policy are to protect the integrity of the Charity’s decision-making process, to enable our stakeholders to have confidence in our integrity and to protect the integrity and reputation of those working within the organisation. It forms an integral part of the Code of Conduct Policy.

All Trustees and volunteers will strive to avoid any conflict between the interests of the Charity on one hand, and personal, professional and business interests on the other. This includes avoiding both actual, potential as well perception of conflicts of interest.

The Charity acknowledges that its Trustees and volunteers will have various external interests, such as external employment, consultancy work, charity trusteeship and membership of boards or public bodies. The intention of the policy is not to limit these roles but to ensure that such interests are recognized, declared and where any conflicts of interest arise, these are appropriately recognized and managed.

Examples of conflicts of interest include:

  • A person (including family and friends) who also belongs to or supports another organisation and matters which may concern the other organisation are being discussed.

  • A person (including family and friends) who has an interest in a business that may be awarded a contract to do work for the charity.

  • Any other actual, potential or perceived financial or personal gain to a person (including family and friends).

Upon appointment, each trustee or service provider (eg marketing consultant) will make a full , written disclosure of interests, such as relationships and posts held that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. During meetings of activities, trustees must disclose any interests in. a transaction or decision where a conflict of interest may appear. Such disclosures must be minuted and the concerned Trustee may not take part in the decision, depending on the judgement of the other Trustees present at that time.

Failure to disclose an interest or providing incomplete or inaccurate disclosures may constitute misconduct or breach of code of conduct.

30th May 2024

EGFR+ UK Policies


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